Ultimate Human Foundation Initiatives serve to provide avenues of access, education, development & application of personalised health for everyone.
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InitiativesEastern and Western medicines, evidence-based science and scientific fields of study combined into one powerful algorithm to quantify the human experience and optimise it using the latest in technology for sustainable, scientifically-proven health & happiness for each unique individual.
InitiativesOver 1000 years of combined expert advice to maximise the effort you put into your fitness in precise and scientifically proven ways. Personalised results because everyone is unique and needs something different for ultimate results. It's the ultimate revolution in health & fitness.
InitiativesCorporate health and wellness programs and experiences, designed using the latest in epigenetic and evidence-based science and medical research to optimise the workplace for everyone individually and collectively, in every position in the workplace.
InitiativesYour very own personal Virtual Health Assistant with timely, relevant and personalised information, inspiration and motivation to accomplish all that you want and more! When you are healthy and happy, you can contribute to the health and happiness of those around you like never before. Meet the first-ever lifestyle program that gives you unique, customised, simple and practical insights, for life.
Global Events
HealthFree and paid events around the world focusing on Personalized health education
NextGen Education
EducationTeaching our finest the intricacies of a better way of healthcare
The Spinach Slap
The Spinach SlapFundraising to provide personalised healthcare recommendations to individuals to assist in the interception of preventable chronic disease.
Integrative Research
ResearchCurrent research fields and future areas of interest for the health of humanity
Ultimate Human Foundation
Help us to change the current health paradigm to health and happiness for everyone.
Thoughts and experience of volunteers, ambassadors and followers

I slept for the first time in years last night - really slept - because now I understand how different we are.Deb Lind / Idaho, USA

They're here so you can get as much information from them as you can possibly get so you can go out and make a difference in the world.Dr Cherie Lechner-Lunato / Ohio, USA

This is able to help people send the right signals and information to their genes. It is so exciting!Dr Everett Beyer / Arizona, USA

It has enhanced and revitalised my life like nothing else! Within one month I'm sleeping better, eating better, relating with people better, much happier with myself and everything around me.Thomas York / Idaho, USA
Committed to a world free from chronic pain and disease.
You can contribute to the future health of humanity now - get involved, donate, share.