22 Sep

Connectors: Health Type Hacks

Connectors: Health Type Hacks

Want to set yourself up for success this year? Find out your Health Type’s hack for success in this series on what to focus so you know you’re doing what’s right for you.

Want to have an incredible year? Want to feel more vibrant, more alive and more excited about life than ever?


But how do you do that? There’s so many programs and suggestions and tips … how can you know what will work?

It can be really hard to choose what to try, or what to focus on. You want results, and to feel good, but not sure on the path to get you there. To help you take the path that will be right for you, that will make you feel alive, tap into your superpower …

Connectors, you have that name for a reason – you connect! It really is your special gift, your superpower. It is your hack for success!

You’re designed to connect – not just people, but you also connect ideas in wonderfully creative ways, as you don’t just stick inside the box. The more you live your gift, your genius, by creating connections with people and ideas, the more all the other aspects of happiness in your life will follow. This is the foundation for your physical fitness, your best eating habits, your best relationships, career and overall well-being. So if you want to feel better in any of these areas, start with your best gift and let it flourish!

You’re a star, and you should know it. You bring people together, you bring out the fun and the joy when you live in the moment. The more you do this, the more it will spread to everyone around you, and you’ll see it reflected back at you, keeping you shining bright all year – in your body, heart and mind!

Bring more sparkle to the year! Have fun trying these ideas!

– Join new groups or classes – try a creative one and an active one for variety. If there are none around – start one up with friends or colleagues!

– Host themed parties or games nights- break up any dull weeks and get together with your friends and family in new, fun ways.

– Sign up for events that need the energy of people like you to make them happen – be part of community or charity events, or causes that you really love.

– Invite others to join you, for anything you like – meals, classes, outings!

– Share your great ideas to inspire and excite others – join brainstorming groups at work or in the community to help spark new ways of thinking and doing things

– If there’s a shortage of face-to-face connections in your life, use social media more to connect – have fun with sharing yourself and the things you love this year

If you’re not sure what kinds of groups or activities to try – check out your ph360 profile. In your Lifestyle sections you’ll find all sorts of tips on what kinds of activities you’re gifted at, with great suggestions for how you can unlock them even more and share them with the world. And don’t try to box yourself into one activity, one class, or one group for the whole year – that’s not how you’re designed. Things need to be fresh and engaging, so if they’re not anymore, start something new again!

Whether you’re concerned about your fitness, weight, energy, stress … the best thing for you is to work on your goals with others. Have the enjoyment and motivation of people who love and believe in you – whether it’s an exercise group, a catch up healthy eating group, a games group… whatever it is you want to feel better about in your life, you’ll achieve the best results if you share it!

A personalised health coach can give you the motivation and guidance to keep you excited and on track, and can listen to you if ever the going gets tough. A Personalised Detox can bring you this too, through the dedicated online community of people just like you who are having a real go at living their healthiest, happiest version of themselves.

So whatever you do this year, do it with joy, do it with enthusiasm, and do it with others. You’ll shine so bright in your success that you’ll bring such a sparkle to everyone else too!

Have a beautiful year!

Want to stay up to date, comment, and ask questions? Follow me as I share my coaching and my story on my Facebook page!

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